Christmas is Coming! Brookfield Farm Winter 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to your Winter Brookfield Farm newsletter. We have been beavering away to get Hiveshare honey to everyone subscribed this year to November 2017! Let us know if your raw Irish honey has arrived, and if a delivery hasn’t got there, we’ll check it out straight away. Sign up here to get your 2018 raw honey Hiveshare…

Welcome to Hiveshare 2019, Winter and Spring Newsletter

You are very welcome to Brookfield Farm Hiveshare 2019. This is the fifth year for Hiveshare, already! We are very pleased to have fulfilled all our Hiveshare honey committments for the first four years, and apart from the amazing summer of 2018, generally in difficult circumstances for bees.

So this is your first update on your hive in 2019. Hiveshare 2019 runs from November 2018, and Hiveshare Cert no. 1448 and higher. 

Starling murmuration near Brookfield Farm – live video

A magnificent display of starlings gathering over Lough Derg has been captured on video by Coolbawn farmer Ailbhe Gerrard.

Ailbhe, who farms at Brookfield Farm, spotted the display – called a murmuration – earlier this month and posted her video online to Facebook.

Hiveshare Christmas 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to your Winter Brookfield Farm newsletter. First of all, a most heartfelt thank you to all our supporters, we would not be here without you. We made a little thank you video – see it here–  THANK YOU and Happy Christmas! 

We wish you and yours a peaceful and merry time.

Brookfield Farm Spring 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to your Brookfield Farm + Spring Hiveshare newsletter. (OOPS, should have sent this newsletter out before now, summer update is coming soon!) Remember the snow in March? Well click here for hives covered in snow…

Book a lamb for winter dinners!

Not only bees- Lamb too! Organic grassland with lakeshore herbs is an important part of our farm. We know that grassland is important for biodiversity, wild hares and other animals love our meadows. Also the grassland grows wildflowers for our bees.